Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Thing Nine -- Big OOPS!

Intervention time here -- I started the 23 Things On A Stick about a month late -- and I have been rushing through "Things" to try and get them done in the time I had to work on them. I got to rushing so much (which included experiencing both various frustrations and excitements at mach speed), that it was only when I was blogging about Thing Number Nine (Number Nine, Number Nine -- any Beatles fans out there??), that I realized that I had actually skipped Nine and had gone right into Ten. So, consider this a time-out and reflection. My cat Ernie, who hasn't graced this blog with his presence for a while, likes to snuggle on very cold days next to a vent under our kitchen cabinets -- my husband calls it his "time-out" since it looks exactly like someone told to stand in a corner for a naughty time-out. I can't promise that I will slow down any, but I do most sincerely plan to re-visit many of the Things over and over again -- I am getting just way too many ideas for library uses not to!

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