Monday, July 14, 2014

23 Mobile Things #12: books, Books & More Books

I sort of left this Thing towards the end, as I haven't yet jumped on the fiction ebook bandwagon -- don't own a Kindle or Nook.  When I read for pleasure, I prefer the look and feel of a physical book.  It fits in with the way I read, works better for me physically and right now I know that any physical book I acquire will be around (barring water and fire and pure-absentmindedness) for the next couple of years, with no software or hardware upgrades needed except for maybe a new pair of glasses.

I do use e-versions of non-fiction materials almost constantly in my work and home-life.  The ease of using the internet to find and retrieve information does make life easier and saves scores of time.  That said, however, having an app (Free Books) that gives me access to thousands of older fiction, in the public domain, is certainly worth exploring.  There are many books listed that I have heard about, one way or another, but never had to chance to read or get my hands on.  With an ebook, it is much more easy to abandon a book, if it turns out not to be to your liking (especially if it is free, of course), you feel less obligated to finish it.  I do like that you can upload the titles to Dropbox, so as to store and read on a multitude of devices.  I do not expect to physically acquire these books -- unless by reading the eversion I feel I need the physical copy as well, which is something I think many people are doing, reading the ebook and then occasionally buying a copy of the physical version as well.

I also have yet to get into audio books.  I tried a few years ago, but never finished the one book I had bought.  Since the Audiobooks app is free only for streaming, that does limit its usefulness for such things as long trips.  A paid version, when you can download the audio book for later, unconnected listening, would be useful on long car trips or plane trips.  

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